How much do you know about water? Take our quiz

17 August 2022 | News

In the run up to World Water Week (23 August – 1 September 2022), we thought we’d create a fun quiz to find out how much you knew about water and your usage of it.

How much do you know about water?

How many people in the world lack access to water?
In three years’ it is estimated that a large percentage of the world’s population will be facing water shortages. What percentage do you think this is?
Including the goalkeeper, how many players are there in a water polo team?
If you left your garden sprinklers and hosepipes running, how much water do they typically they use per hour?
Water boils at what temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
How much water does the average household in the UK use in a day – just to take a shower, flush the toilet, washing dishes etc?
Roughly, how much of the human body is water?
Imagine your tap is leaking drop after drop. How much water is lost from this leaking tap per day?
How much of the world's water is suitable for human use?
Which of the following products takes the most water to produce?
How much of the Earth's surface is covered by water?
Which human activity uses the most water?
How long can the average human survive without water?
How many gallons of water do you think the average person in the developing world uses each day?
How many gallons of water do you think the average person in the developed world uses each day?
If you want to use the world’s finest leak detection and shut off device, to help save water, who do you call?
How much do you know about water?
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